At Lakes Entrance Primary School our Teachers structure our student learning around the Victorian Curriculum issued by the Department of Education & Training (DET) while working hard to individualise activities to meet student needs rather than year level.
Our Key Learning Areas are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Wellbeing – Resilience
- Science
- Health & Physical Education
- Language & Culture – Indigenous Gunai Kurnai
- Technology - STEM
- The Arts – ART & Music (Optional)

Reports are handed out to students in June and December of each year. Each report will indicate where the student is situated according to the curriculum, their work habits and effort. Each report will also indicate attendance and strengths as well as goals to work on.
Monitoring and assessing of ‘where children are at’ is a critical aspect of ensuring all student’s needs are best met. It is a hugely valued element of effective teaching and a most important part of being a parent.
Within a class it takes the form of formal testing, observations, achievement of tasks, student presentations, external testing (Naplan), information from home, at times complex speech and psychological evaluations and much, much more.
All grade levels hold an information session early in the year to explain class procedures, expectations and curriculum plans for the year.
We also have formal and informal progress interviews during the year. This process allows the students to have input in their progress. If you feel that you would like a meeting with your child’s teacher please do not hesitate to arrange a meeting at any time during the year.
A number of students will have Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s) as part of their learning. These plans are developed by the school and families to cater for individual needs. Each term, teachers will meet with relevant parents or carers regarding ILP development.

Naplan Tests
Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in Naplan testing each year. Families of students involved in this receive a standardized report which gives additional information regarding student achievement. We must always be mindful that this is a mere “snapshot” of a child’s achievement.
Whilst we are bound by system requirements regarding reporting we believe that ongoing assessment and regular communication are very important aspects of your child’s education.
Social & Emotional Wellbeing
Your child’s social and emotional wellbeing is another very important aspect of their education. We encourage you to contact us if there are any home issues which are likely to affect your child’s wellbeing and staff will contact you if there are behaviours which indicate any concerns regarding social and emotional wellbeing at school.