Visual Arts Program
Our Visual Arts program engages students through various projects by exploring different materials, techniques, processes and technologies. With the focus on the four curriculum areas of exploring and expressing ideas; visual arts practices; presenting, responding and interpreting, students are challenged with a range of projects incorporating 2D and 3D visual arts forms.
Students also learn how to interpret and respond to artists from around Australia and different countries and cultures. This focuses students on questioning and critical thinking skills along with exposing them to new artists and art styles. Above all we work really hard on students building pride in their work and sharing their successes through peer feedback and displays in school and community.

Music Program
Music education enhances children’s learning by encouraging self-discipline, motivation and confidence. Singing develops the ear, and learning an instrument uses the whole brain by incorporating mathematics and reading skills, with fine and gross motor skills and emotional expression. Music makes many links to other subjects and students studying music have been shown to improve their educational outcomes.
Lakes Entrance Primary School has an Instrumental Program, offering lessons to students from Grade 3 - 6 on Fridays. Our school is passionate about Music and aims to make it accessible to all families, with no lesson fees and only $20 payment for instrument hire; this is amazing! Students have the opportunity to learn saxophone, clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, violin, keyboard and guitar. With growing interest, we hope to continue to increase the number of enrolments and expand this program further, also offering an ensemble that instrumental students can be a part of. All of our music students develop their confidence and performance skills by playing at our assembly on Fridays, and when possible at community events.
Our school also offers Choir, which is open to all students from Years 1 to 6. Choir rehearses each Friday and develops students singing skills. We perform regularly at assemblies and at community events as requested eg. Community Carols.