Our school offers students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills.
Student Leadership is an important part of life at Lakes Entrance Primary School. During Term Four Year 5 students have the opportunity to apply for Student Leadership positions for the following year. They complete a formal written application and are interviewed by current student leaders and the Principal. Once this process is completed background checks are done based on the potential leader’s day to day history as outstanding students. At the final Civics and Citizenship meeting for the year there is a “handover” ceremony whereby the current leaders announce their successor and wish them well.
Currently our student leaders include House Captains, School Captains, Junior School Council Executives and Koori Leader. LEPS Student Leaders represent our school as ambassadors at local community events such as the Anzac Ceremony and other important local events and set a great example as students every day. Throughout the Grade 6 year they become very capable organisers and presenters at our Friday assemblies.
We are very proud of our student leaders and the positive impact they have across our school community.

Whole School Buddies Program
A ‘Buddy System’ has been successfully developed throughout the school. It involves students being matched with another child from a different grade level eg. Grade 6 students buddy with preps.
Special ‘buddy’ activities run throughout the year, e.g. Art, Sport with their buddy grades.This gives the younger children a sense of belonging and a contact point if they have a problem in the yard.